Do I Need Life Insurance?

There are many reasons to get life insurance, and RNI gives you a few to think about, especially if someone else is depending on you. Consider these common scenarios…

Getting Married?
  • Now that you have a spouse, are they dependent upon you for support?
  • What would happen if you or your spouse didn’t make it home?
  • Do you need a joint life insurance policy?
  • There are many things to consider about which policy is best for you now.
Baby on the way?
  • This is when young adults become aware that they may need life insurance to protect their children in case something happens.
  • You should start thinking about getting a policy sooner rather than later.


Are you supporting your aging parents?
  • Hopefully, your parents already have a life insurance policy.
  • You might want to check into life insurance with a long-term care rider if caring for your parents.
  • And what happens to them if you die before them? Will they be taken care of properly?


  • What happens to your family if you’re the breadwinner and something happens to you?
  • You can get business-owned life and disability insurance policies.
  • Most financial institutions will require a policy if you get a business loan.
  • A decreasing term life insurance policy makes the bank the beneficiary to pay off the loan in case the owner dies.


High-risk occupation?
  • If your job is dangerous or in a high-risk environment, you have a greater chance of dying than say an office worker.
  • Check to see if your job has employer-provided group life insurance to insure your paycheck if you are disabled or die on the job.


Speak with your RNI agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

We go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Tips for a Safe Labor Day Weekend

Whether you’re traveling or wrapping up summer chores this Labor Day weekend, Raymond Nelson Insurance has some helpful hints to stay safe.

Road Trip

The Labor day weekend is one of the busiest on the road. If you’re planning a weekend excursion, follow these tips:

  • Make sure you’re well rested
  • Plan for frequent rest stops
  • Divide driving duties if possible
  • Have your vehicle checked to avoid a breakdown
  • Pack a vehicle emergency kit with:
    • Flashlight
    • Jumper cables
    • Tool kit
    • Tire gauge
    • Flares 

An estimated 15,600 fireworks injuries were treated in US emergency rooms last year.

Here are some precautions to take:

  • Only light one at a time
  • Never allow any horseplay while fireworks are being set up or ignited
  • If a firework malfunctions, don’t re-light it
  • Never allow young children to handle fireworks
  • Never use fireworks while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Go here for more firework safety tips

Make sure you keep it safe.

Hydration and sunscreen

It’s the end of the summer, but it’s still hot outside! Make sure you apply sunscreen and drink plenty of water throughout the day.


Remember – an accident is never planned, but keeping these safety tips in mind may help prevent one.

Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Auto Theft – Avoid This Summer

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, average daily auto thefts increase during summer. Raymond Nelson Insurance has some tips for keeping your car from getting stolen

Lock your car

  • Remove keys from the ignition
  • Lock the doors
  • Close all the windows
  • Always park your car in a well-lit area.
  • Don’t leave your keys in the car, even if hidden.

Install a warning device

  • Audible alarms will deter a thief.
  • Use a steering wheel lock such as “The Club.”
    • When the thief sees “the club,” they will think it will take too long to figure out how to steal it and move on.

Install a tracking device

  • If a thief steals your car, a tracking device will help get it back.
    • A LoJack stolen vehicle recovery system can be activated that will send out a signal from the stolen vehicle.
    • Law enforcement can then locate the stolen vehicle.

Install a vehicle immobilizer system

  • Thieves can bypass your ignition system by “hotwiring” your vehicle, but you can prevent this by using a vehicle immobilizer system.
  • The immobilizer systems may incorporate smart key, kill switches, and wireless ignition authentication, which essentially can disable the vehicle so that a thief can’t make off with it.

What to do if your car is stolen

  • Contact police immediately.
  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, you will need to provide the following information:
    • The year, make, model, and color of your vehicle.
    • License plate number
    • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • You also need to let your insurance company know within 24 hours.


Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Insure Yourself for Summer Fun

Summer means longer days and more traveling, which can also lead to an increased risk of getting into costly accidents and more visits to the emergency room. Raymond Nelson Insurance wants to make sure you have the appropriate insurance this season

Here’s a list of potential summer risks and how to reduce them.

Road Trips

  • With more cars on the road, the summer months are the most dangerous times of the year.
  • What do you do if you get into an accident while driving a rental car?
    • Your personal car insurance typically includes driving a rental car. 
    • If you don’t have collision coverage on your auto policy, the credit card you use to rent the car may offer coverage.
    • If you don’t have either, you should buy at least the liability insurance provided by the rental company.

Swimming Pools

  • Last summer more than 160 people drowned in pools with 70% of them being children.
  • What if some gets injured or drown in your pool?
    • Your liability coverage on your homeowner’s policy should be at least $300,000 to $500,00.
    • The Insurance Information Institute recommends taking measures to prevent accidents, such as building a fence around the pool and making sure children never swim unattended.
    • Use a pool cover and install alarms that alert you if someone enters the water.
    • Learn basic water rescue techniques.
    • It’s always good to speak with Raymond Nelson Insurance about your homeowner’s insurance to make sure you’re covered for accidents.


  • According to the U.S. Coast Guard, there were nearly 4,300 accidents on recreational boats, causing about $46 million in damage last year alone.
  • Small boats such as kayaks and canoes may be covered under your homeowner’s insurance.
  • Large watercraft or personal watercrafts such as jet skis typically need a separate policy.
  • Speak with Raymond Nelson Insurance about your boat insurance to make sure you’re covered.


Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to make sure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find you the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built, and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270)885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

How to Handle an Accident with an Uninsured Driver

Car insurance is required by law, but a surprising 13% of drivers on the road don’t have insurance. Raymond Nelson Insurance has a few tips on what you should do if you find yourself in an accident with an uninsured driver.


File a police report

  • Pull off to a safe area if possible and call 911.
  • Don’t let the other driver pressure you into not reporting the accident once you learn they’re uninsured.
    • They could attempt to plead with you saying they can’t afford insurance or their parents will be mad.
  • Wait for the police to arrive and collect all vital information
    • Contact information for the other party.
    • Any evidence from the accident or take photos of both cars.
    • If a bystander stops to make sure you’re ok, ask them to stick around as a witness.
  • The police report will provide a record of the accident for you to give to your insurance.


Refuse to accept even partial liability for the accident

  • You may find yourself liable for a percentage of the damages.
  • Avoid making statements that could seem like an admission of liability.
  • The other driver can make a case against you for even making a statement like, “I’m sorry this happened.”


Pursue a medical evaluation and care

  • Adrenaline after an accident can conceal many serious injuries.
  • Many victims of an accident can discover injuries hours or even days after the accident that may worsen after time.
  • Go to the hospital or urgent care facility for an evaluation.
  • Or, get looked at immediately on the scene if you feel any pain or confusion.


Check with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to make sure you have the proper coverage in case you find yourself in an accident with an uninsured and underinsured motorist.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find you the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built, and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270)885-1800 or contact us online for more information.



* indicates required

Prepare Your Home for Severe Weather

April showers may bring May flowers but sometimes warmer weather can bring more than just showers. Here are some tips from Raymond Nelson Insurance to help you be prepared for severe weather

Severe weather can happen unexpectedly at all hours of the day or night. While you may think, “this could never happen to me,” it’s best to be prepared in case of an emergency situation or loss of property. 

Keep inventory of important possessions

  • Go through your home and take note of items, especially those of value and of importance to you.
  • If applicable, include the model, serial number, and brand.
  • Include items in your garage and on your patio or deck.
  • Videos and photos will be helpful when replacing items and for your insurance claim if these items are lost or destroyed.
    • It’s best to email yourself these images in case your computer or phone gets lost or damaged. 
  • Don’t forget to document the items that you carry with you each day
    • Phone
    • Purse
    • Tablet
    • Jewelry
  • Be sure to update your list after purchasing new items and it’s best to review the list often, especially around the time of year when severe weather is more common.
  • Try to keep the list in a safe place, whether that be an off-site location like a safety deposit box or keep it in an email.

Have an emergency kit ready

  • Stay prepared with an emergency kit with the following items
    • Flashlights
    • Batteries
    • Fire extinguisher
    • First-aid kit
    • Canned food
    • Bottled water
    • Blankets
    • Extra clothes
    • Medications
  • Check the kit often to make sure no medications or canned food has expired.

Maintain your yard and home

  • Severe weather can bring strong winds that may take down trees or move outdoor furniture. 
  • Have any older trees trimmed or removed from your yard if they’re close to your home. 
  • Keep your gutters clear so water can drain properly.
  • Tie up any outdoor furniture or bring it into a garage or shed prior to the threat of severe weather.

Have a plan

  • Discuss a plan with your family in case of severe weather.
  • Talk about what you’ll do if you’re on the road or at work leading up to severe weather or during a storm.
    • You should always keep an emergency kit in your car as well.

For more safety tips, check out these home
safety tips from the National Weather Service.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find you the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built, and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270)885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

What to Know About Homeowners and Renters Insurance

No one ever expects a home burglary but if you find yourself in this unlucky situation, Raymond Nelson Insurance has some tips

Personal Belongings Coverage

  • You need to have enough coverage to replace personal belongings whether you’re a homeowner or a renter.
  • Depending on where you live, you can find inexpensive coverage for claims to cover $10,000 to $20,000 worth of personal belongings.

Make a valuable items list

  • Write down a list of all your collectibles, jewelry, gadgets, etc.
  • TVs and electronics will have serial numbers, notate those.
  • Send an email of this list to yourself with the subject line of something inconspicuous, like “Vacation Pictures.”
  • If your home is burglarized, you’ll be able to refer to this list if your things are damaged or stolen.
  • You will also need this list to file your insurance claim after a loss.

Keep or take photos of receipts & instruction manuals

  • Keep your receipts or take a photo of them. They show identifiable serial numbers, proof of purchase, and the item’s original value.
  • Instruction manuals can act as proof of purchase as they contain identifiable serial numbers for each of your items. 
  • Take photos of all your expensive items like electronics and furniture and email them to yourself or save them to your iCloud. 
    • If you only save them on your computer, you risk losing them should your computer get stolen.
  • For information on what is a valid proof of purchase, click here.

Other ways to find proof of purchase

  • Check your email. Confirmation emails or emailed receipts can be used as proof of purchase.
  • Transactions made in PayPal can show purchase information.
  • Find photographs of missing items; a picture of your family sitting on the couch that was stolen or your TV in the background of a photo.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find you the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built, and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270)885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Commonly Asked Insurance Questions

There is a lot to know about insurance so our highly trained experts at Raymond Nelson Insurance are here to provide answers to some of the most commonly asked insurance questions

Does car insurance cover the car or the driver?
  • Depending on your coverage, it could cover both.
    • Car insurance generally refers to damage to your vehicle due to either your fault or when someone else crashes into you.
    • However, most car insurance policies include medical expenses as standard, which protects you and any other passenger in the vehicle.
  • The level of coverage and what’s included varies and you should weigh the importance of this when deciding what coverage to get.
What’s the difference between comprehensive and collision coverage?
  • Collision insurance pays for:
    • Damage to your car in an accident you cause.
    • Damage to your car if you hit an object such as a fence or pole.
    • Damage to your car if someone else hits you.
  • Comprehensive insurance pays for the value of your car if it’s stolen and not recovered. It also covers damage from:
    • Weather – such as tornado or hail
    • Floods
    • Fire
    • Falling objects, such as tree limbs
    • Explosion
    • Hitting a deer or other animal
    • Riots and civil disturbances
    • Vandalism
What are the different types of insurance coverage?
  • Bodily liability
  • Property damage liability
  • Comprehensive collision
  • Uninsured & underinsured
Is auto insurance mandatory?
  • Auto insurance is mandatory in every state across the U.S., however, laws do vary.
  • To make sure you have the right insurance, visit your state government’s transportation website and you can find information regarding Kentucky here.
Does my gender affect premium rates?
  • Yes – Using statistical driving data, it has been found that male drivers are generally involved in more accidents.
  • As a result, male drivers pay bigger premiums.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find you the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built, and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270)885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

New Entry-Level Driver Requirements

Raymond Nelson Insurance wants you to know about the new entry-level driver training (ELDT) requirements which will be implemented on February 7, 2022

This new rule is for individuals who want to
  • Obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL)
  • Upgrade a CDL
  • Obtain a passenger (P), school bus (S), or hazardous materials (H) endorsement.


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) entry-level driver training regulations set the baseline for training requirements for entry-level drivers.

The ELDT regulations are not retroactive; individuals who were issued a CDL or an S, P, or H endorsement prior to February 7, 2022, are not required to complete training for the respective CDL or endorsement. For more information about the ELDT regulations and Training Provider registry, visit

  • As of February 7, 2022, entry-level CDL trainees will have much stricter requirements for obtaining their CDL.
  • For companies who want their entry-level truckers trained, now is the time to start preparing for the new law and getting drivers in a training program.
  • Only approved training providers are authorized to deliver ELDT.


New requirements to obtain a CDL license
  • CDL school requirements
      • The minimum standards and requirements for CDL schools will be set at a federal level as opposed to the state.
  • Department of Transportation (DOT) management
      • CDL schools must record and report hours behind the wheel (no federal minimum) to DOT
  • Schools must register and self-certify instructors.
  • CDL driving instructor requirements
      • Driving instructors are required to have a minimum of 2 years of driving experience, a clean driving record, and medical certification for the classroom, on the road, and private range instruction.
  • Increase in curriculum mandates
    • DOT requires 31 theory course topics instead of the original four knowledge topics.
    • The new Training Provider Registry (TPR) will require CDL schools to apply to join, starting February 7, 2022.


Trucking is truly one of the most important industries in the United States. At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we understand the peril you and your employees face every day, and we want to help you get the best protection for the best price.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find you the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built, and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270)885-1800 or contact us online for more information.