Back To School Safety Tips

We want to remind you to be extra cautious when driving near schools. Here are a few school safety tips to ensure the safety of our kids:  

1. Slow down and remain alert
  • There’s going to be a lot more kids on the sidewalks and streets when school starts, so take it slow and always be aware of your surroundings.
  • Leave yourself extra time to make it to your destination.
  • Be especially careful in school parking lots and loading zones.
2. Obey posted speed limits
3. Remember to follow school-bus rules
  • Do not pass the bus on either side of the road when red lights are flashing.
  • Even after lights stop, make sure the coast is clear before moving on.
  • Kids move quickly and erratically.
  • 2 or 3 Lane Road: Remember, when you encounter a school bus with its stop arm out and red lights flashing, it is crucial to come to a complete stop, regardless of your lane or direction on a two to three-lane road, including the turning lane.
  • 4+ Lane Road: If you find yourself on a highway or road with a median or more than four lanes, you are not required to stop for a bus traveling in the opposite direction.
4. Avoid using your cell phone while driving
  • It’s not only illegal to drive while using your cell phone, it can distract you.
  • When stopping at a crosswalk, give kids a visual signal you’ve seen them: smile, wave, or give a thumbs-up!
Parents – Teach kids to be safe while walking:
  • Always use marked crosswalks and look both ways.
  • Try to make contact with drivers to make sure they see you.
  • Never move into the street from behind a car or other obstacle.
  • If there is not sidewalk or path, walk facing traffic and as far to the left as possible.
  • Never let young children cross the street alone.

Safety is our top priority, so let’s all stay informed and ensure the safety of our students and community during this school season.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Does a Speeding Ticket Affect Your Car Insurance?

Auto insurance rates are predicated on the fact that someone is going to file a claim because of an accident. Rates are adjusted to your driving record and a speeding ticket can have an impact on your rates since speeding would be more likely to cause an accident.

Insurance agencies will check your motor vehicle record (MVR) which would include any driving infractions including speeding and adjust your rates accordingly.

If you’ve gotten a speeding ticket recently, you’ll likely pay more for car insurance. 
  • How much you’ll pay can vary based on your driving history, location, and other factors.
  • Compared rates across the country for a hypothetical 35-year-old driver ticketed for going 16 mph over the speed limit, your car insurance typically goes up about 25% after the speeding ticket.
  • On average, a driver convicted of speeding will pay $2,043 a year – $413 more than a driver with a clean record.


Minimum vs. full coverage after a speeding ticket

If  your insurance goes up after getting a ticket, you might consider going with minimum coverage rather than full coverage.

  • Average rate for full coverage is $2,043
  • Average rate for minimum coverage is $710.

BUT think carefully about this option since minimum coverage won’t have comprehensive and collision coverage.


How long does a ticket affect your insurance?
  • Your MVR might keep a permanent record of your ticket.
  • Many insurance companies only look back three to five years for minor violations, including speeding tickets.


At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best fits our clients. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Are You Covered for Water Backup Damage?

Spring storms can cause unexpected water damage to your home. Here’s why you should consider adding water backup coverage to your homeowners policy.

Most homeowners don’t think about water backup coverage when getting home insurance, but water backup can cause extensive damage to your home. 

Why you need it:
  • It’s not included in a standard homeowners insurance policy.
    • If you don’t have water backup coverage for your home, condo, or even your renters insurance policy, then you could be stuck paying for cleanup or damages caused by a sump pump or similar equipment that is not considered a plumbing system.


  • Everyone has the potential to need this type of coverage.
    • Even if you have flood insurance, it’s a different policy.


  • It can cover you for loss of use if your home is uninhabitable.
    • In most cases of a sump pump failure, you may have to leave the residence while clean happens.
    • Or if your furnace is damaged due to water backup and it’s 30º outside and you can’t heat your home.
    • Loss of use coverage covers living expenses above and beyond a person’s normal living expenses.
    • It can cover your hotel room while your claim adjuster approves your claim.
How to prevent water backup:
    • Don’t pour oil or grease down your drains.


    • Watch what you flush down your toilets (no paper towels or feminine products).


    • Consider using plastic pipes to prevent tree roots from entering them.


    • Check your sump pump regularly.


    • Install a backwater prevention valve to prevent sewer backups.


    • Buy a battery backup to keep your sump pump running when the power goes out.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

How to Protect Yourself from Car Theft

With car theft on the rise, it’s important to protect your car and valuables. Raymond Nelson Insurance has some tips on preventing your car or car parts from being stolen.
Car theft and car parts theft is on the rise.
  • According to Claims Journal, car theft is on the rise.
    • This is partially due to the rising costs of automobiles plus the fact that  so many parts, such as the catalytic converters, are in demand.


Here are some tips to keep your car and belongings safe:
    • Lock your vehicle.  This may seem obvious, but many people forget to lock their car doors. Always lock all doors and windows before leaving your car, even if you’ll only be gone for a few minutes.


    • Park in a safe area.   When choosing a parking spot, find a well-lit area with plenty of foot traffic. If you must park on the street, avoid parking next to alleys or other secluded areas.


    • Don’t leave valuables in your car.  If you must leave something valuable, ensure it’s out of sight. Don’t leave items like laptops, phones, or purses on the seat or dashboard where they can be easily seen.


    • Install an anti-theft device. Many anti-theft devices are on the market, from steering wheel locks to GPS tracking systems. Consider installing one to deter thieves.

Following these simple tips can help protect your car and belongings from theft. Remember, prevention is the best defense against theft. Stay safe out there!


At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Staying Safe During Spring Severe Weather

Spring weather in Hopkinsville can be unpredictable. Raymond Nelson Insurance wants to prepare you for sudden weather changes with these severe weather tips:
Getting your home ready
  • Ensure your gutters and downspouts are cleaned. Heavy rains should flow freely off your roof and drain well away from your home.
  • Prune tree limbs and branches.
    • In high winds, these branches can snap off and damage your home or power lines.
    • Tree Trimming Tips
  • Secure patio furniture and other yard items that could become projectiles in heavy winds.
    • Outdoor trampolines can be blown several yards away and cause damage to property and people.
  • Keep blinds and curtains closed to help protect against broken glass.
  • Protect your vehicle from hail damage by tying down heavy blankets over it.
Emergency kits:
  • A basic kit should include the following:
    • Flashlight with fresh batteries
    • Battery powered weather radio
    • First aid kit*
    • Sanitizing wipes
    • At least a 3-day supply of canned or dried food and water.
    • *The Federal Emergency Management Agency has a list of emergency supplies.


Homeowners Insurance
  • Homeowners insurance typically covers wind damage and damage from hail and wind-driven rain that gets inside your home.
  • Make sure you’re covered before these spring storms hit.
  • Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love.

Our agents have over 100 years of combined experience helping people protect their businesses, homes and families. We provide all lines of coverage and pledge to use our expertise to find you insurance that is both affordable and gives you the complete coverage you need. Our top priority is compassionate, personalized service.

We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Life Insurance Through Your Employer…Is It Enough?

Having life insurance is a wise decision and having it through your employer is a great benefit, but are you getting enough coverage for your family? Raymond Nelson Insurance has some answers.
Is it enough?
  • Research shows that one of every three families would be in financial hardship in less than a month if they lost a primary wage earner.
  • That amount increases to 70% within six months.
  • You need enough life insurance to replace your paycheck for as long as needed.
    • For example – until your children leave home or your mortgage is paid off.
    • To see how much insurance you’ll need, use this calculator.


What if you lose your job?
  • Group life insurance is an employee benefit that ends when your employment ends.
  • If going to a new job, you might not be able to get group insurance right away, or maybe not at all if it’s not offered.


No extra benefits
  • Group coverage may be affordable but it’s also pretty basic.
  • Unlike group insurance, getting your own life insurance can get you more benefits like:
    • Life insurance that lasts a lifetime.
    • The ability to get part of the death benefit early in cases such as terminal illness diagnosis.
    • And another feature can extend coverage to other members of your family.
    • Find out about Term Life vs Whole Life insurance HERE.


For these reasons, you might want to consider your employee group benefit as a supplement to your own individual policy.You can tailor your insurance policy to suit your life and customize it to meet your needs.

Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Burst Pipes?

One of the hazards of winter weather is frozen pipes that burst and cause damage to your home. Are you covered by your homeowners policy?

Coverage with exceptions
  • Most homeowners insurance will cover pipes that burst because of sudden and accidental damage.
  • But, the exception would be if the damage occurred because of homeowner negligence.
  • If there was negligence (if the burst pipe happened because the pipes were old or there was a lack of maintenance), then coverage would be denied. 
What’s covered?
  • Generally, coverage would include the following:
    • Accidental discharge or overflow from plumbing, air conditioning, or automatic sprinkler system.
    • However, it can also cover frozen pipes if proper precautions* are taken to prevent them from freezing.
  • Though some insurance might cover the damage caused by the water, they may not protect the actual pipes or that burst.
  • Here’s what to do if a pipe bursts.


*Proper precautions
  • The homeowner must take all measures, such as insulating the pipes or turning the water supply off during winter.
  • The homeowner must prove that every precaution was taken to prevent pipes from freezing.
  • How to prevent pipes from freezing.


Three types of coverage
  • Personal Property Coverage
    • This will cover the damaged property from burst pipes, such as property in the basement.
    • The coverage amount would depend on the policy.
  • Dwelling coverage
    • This would cover any part of the home that has sustained damage.
    • This coverage would cover the repair or replacement of damages to property.
  • Use coverage
    • This covers expenses incurred above normal living expenses, such as staying in a hotel while repairs are being done.

Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

How to Prevent ‘Porch Pirates’

It’s that time of year when packages are being delivered to your home when you’re not there, but the packages thieves are. RNI offers our tips on how to prevent package thefts.


Notice of package delivery

Most carriers will notify you when they have delivered packages to your home. If you get a notice and can’t find the package on your doorstep, here are a few things you can do.

  • Check with your neighbors to see if they received your package to hold for you.
    • If not, ask if they saw anyone taking the package.
  • Contact the delivery company and inquire about the package location.
    • Some companies take a picture of the package on your porch.
    • Check the photo closely to make sure it’s your porch.
      • A lot of packages are delivered to the wrong address, especially at this busy time of the year.
  • Report the theft to the police. There may not be much they can do except fill out a police report, which could help get a refund or replacement.
  • Check with your bank to see if your credit card has purchase protection.
Prevention – Here are some ways to protect yourself from package theft:
  • Have your packages delivered to your office.
  • Opt to require a signature for the package.
  • Instruct the deliverer to leave the package at the back door instead front door.
  • Pick up your packages from a drop-off location.
  • Have packages delivered to your local store.
Home security


Of course, you could just stay home and wait for packages to arrive, but when that isn’t possible, use the tips above. Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

Shopping Cart Damage – Are You Covered?

Holiday shopping means crowded parking lots and runaway carts that can damage your vehicle. Raymond Nelson has some facts for you to know.

Who is at fault?
  • The store where you shop is not liable for damage by errant carts.
  • Stores usually have signs posted in the parking lot just for this reason.
Are you covered?
  • It depends on the coverage you purchased!
  • If you have Full Coverage Insurance, you should be covered.
    • Hitting a shopping cart is considered a collision with an object, whether you hit the cart or the cart hit your vehicle.
    • It would be a good idea to file a report to help when filing a claim.
  • Not all insurance policies cover this damage, so make sure you have the right policy to include physical damage.
  • Cart damage won’t be covered if you only have liability insurance coverage.
What to do if you notice damage to your vehicle.
  • Report it to your insurance company right away.
  • It would help to first take a picture of the damage while the vehicle is still in the parking lot.
    • If possible, include the store in the background of the photo.
  • Insurance companies can tell if the damage was caused by a shopping cart.
  • If your window was broken, or there was extreme damage to the vehicle, then this was probably more than just a shopping cart.
  • When you file a claim, you must go to a repair shop and get an estimate.
Cost of repairs
  • If you get a repair estimate that is more than your insurance deductible, then it might be a good idea to handle the repairs on your own.


Check with your insurance agent to determine if you are covered for shopping cart damage. Independent insurance agents will sit down and talk with you about your needs, then will craft an auto insurance plan that meets your needs at the best price and provide local, personalized service.

Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Call us today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.

The Benefits of Working with an Independent Agency

Personalized service is one big advantage of working with an independent insurance agency, but there are some other great benefits as well.
What is an independent agency?
  • An independent agency works with multiple insurance companies and can offer more products to meet clients’ needs.
  • When working with a specific insurance company, they only offer products specific to that company.
Ways an independent agency can help you:
  • Independent agents can get you multiple quotes for your home or auto.
  • With access to multiple companies, they can check rates with several companies at once.
  • Your independent agent can stay with you even if you switch providers.
  • Even if you switch carriers, you can stay with the same independent agent allowing you to build a relationship with them.
  • When your policy is up for renewal, your independent agent can find out about insurance increases and shop for better rates.
  • You received personalized customer service.
  • You can depend on your agent to resolve issues and answer questions about rates, coverages and claims.
  • An independent agent will keep your best interests in mind to steer you in the right direction.
  • Since most independent agents work on commission, it means it’s in their best interest to keep you happy.
  • independent agents work hard to earn your business.
A trusted advisor
  • It’s nice having someone in your neighborhood you can call if you have questions or concerns.
  • Your local agent is more familiar with your area’s insurance adjusters, repair shops and traffic pattern.


Independent insurance agents will craft an auto insurance plan that meets your specific needs at the best available price and provide local personalized service.

Speak with your Raymond Nelson Insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage for all your insurance needs.

At Raymond Nelson Insurance, we go the extra mile to find the coverage that best protects what matters most, the business you’ve built and the people you love. We always take the time to get to know each client and serve their best interests. Give us a call today at (270) 885-1800 or contact us online for more information.